Sunday, March 2, 2014

A letter to my son for his first year

You've been one for a while now, but writing letters was never my strong part.  For that matter I've never been very good at putting into words how I feel, so here goes.  You are the most amazing blessing to this little family.  You fill our house with a noise that we never knew it was missing until you came along.  Your such fun, and everyone finds you to be so cute.  Even when your cranky and have done nothins but cry you still make me smile and laugh.  Your a chunker who  loves to eat, but you do not do sickness well just like your daddy.  You may look like me but you have your daddy's personality and temper.  I want so many things for your little life I have to remember to step back and appreciate the stage of life your in now.  Some days it's hard, I'm just so excited for what God has in store for you that I can hardly contain myself.  So many things to do and see with you sometimes our days aren't long enough.  I love you my bug and I pray that as we travel through life even in hard times you will always realize that. 


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