Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The bug turns ONE

Noah turned one on February 11!! It's so amazing to think we have a one year old little boy.  A very active little boy who loves to talk, crawl, cruise, eat, and play with any type of ball he can find.  He's actually communicating now!! He points to things when he wants them and he says some words!  We'll parts of words he's become quite adept at imitating speech.  He's got the ee sound down pat.  It stands for things like please, keys, and cheese.  He loves walking while pushing his toy or really anything that moves and he loves of course walking while holding our hands.  He's is officially a milk in a cup boy!! No more breast milk, bottle or formula, this part was easier and harder than I thought it would be.  Easier in that weaning him wasn't as hard as I thought not was getting him to give up the bottle for just cups, harder in that leaving all that stuff behind meant leaving my little bitty baby behind and welcoming my big boy.  We're still working him not needing us to go to sleep, but I figure all things in time.  Noah is officially almost 22lb almost 31 in long with a 19 in head circumference.  

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