Sunday, January 12, 2014

11/12's of a year!

The new year means our little bug is another month older!  Noah is officially 11 months old and the countdown to his one year party has officially begun! Noah can now go up and down the stairs loves climbing over and onto things including the dishwasher.  He still has no interest in walking or even standing by himself, but he loves cruising furniture and walking while holding your fingers.  Still only six teeth, but that doesn't hold him back were food is concerned.  He loves his food, still not so fond of vegetables, but I can put them in muffins and he gobbles them up so for now I'll take it.  He's down to only nursing at night for bed, and we are working in switching up his nighttime routine to wear we nurse first then change into pjs so he can fall asleep some other way than nursing or taking a bottle.  Noah's also had his first ear infection and allergic reaction as well.  Poor kid, he just can't catch a break, I just remind myself he's going to have a great immune system one day.

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