Thursday, January 23, 2014

The beginning of the end

Tonight my son grew up just a tiny but right before my eyes.  I know he's being growing and changing since the day he was born, but it's been slowly quietly almost unobtrusive in a way.  Those gradual changes you know are there but are so easy to overlook.  Tonight, tonight change happened right in front of me, and while part of me was soo ready for that change the planner part of me was not.  I had a goal to breast feed my son for 12 months and if you asked anyone nothing was going to stop me.  Even pregnant I knew I was going to be able to breast feed period end of story.  For me there was no what if I can't there was only I will, and I did but it wasn't easy.  There are some who say breastfeeding is natural and easy, well I am not that person breastfeeding was hard and emotional and physically taxing.  There were days I hurt so bad I cried right along with my son.  Then there were days he and I hit it off found some sort of stride and went with it.  Our first two months my son was tight lipped and had a horrible latch and any bottle training was out the window because it messed up whatever decent latch he had.  Then he wouldn't take a bottle when it was time for me to go back to work. We then each fought off thrush and I nearly called it quits then.  For those wondering it's feels like tiny little needles stabbing you and then those needles traveling up through your veins.  Needless to say it was extremely painful, but I persevered and he and I continued on this journey to his one year birthday.  Over the months he and I have become extremely familiar with toilet seats and bathroom floors as I cannot nurse in public.  We've gone through the biting stage, and milk blisters that then became calluses. And now slowly but surely I've been weaning him as that one year mark approached, there were days I was so excited I was almost done being a moo cow as my husband and I call it.  But there are days like tonight when my son fell asleep with me rocking him not nursing him that I realized  my son doesn't need me anymore for something.  So, today marks the beginning of the end, my son growing up.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

11/12's of a year!

The new year means our little bug is another month older!  Noah is officially 11 months old and the countdown to his one year party has officially begun! Noah can now go up and down the stairs loves climbing over and onto things including the dishwasher.  He still has no interest in walking or even standing by himself, but he loves cruising furniture and walking while holding your fingers.  Still only six teeth, but that doesn't hold him back were food is concerned.  He loves his food, still not so fond of vegetables, but I can put them in muffins and he gobbles them up so for now I'll take it.  He's down to only nursing at night for bed, and we are working in switching up his nighttime routine to wear we nurse first then change into pjs so he can fall asleep some other way than nursing or taking a bottle.  Noah's also had his first ear infection and allergic reaction as well.  Poor kid, he just can't catch a break, I just remind myself he's going to have a great immune system one day.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Christmas as a family!

So, it's snowing and Casey is at work, which means catch up on the blog time!! This year Christmas was spent as a family of three!  Such a difference between Christmas pregnant and Christmas with a little one.  Casey and I both worked Christmas Eve, but thankfully my parents were more than willing to come play with Noah.  Casey and I arrived home in time to start a Christmas tradition with Noah of reading the night before Christmas and then off to bed we all went.  Two hours later we were all up and that's how it went the rest of the night thanks to Noah and whatever was bothering him.  Needless to say Christmas came early and with a very grumpy 10 month old.  However, one morning nap later and he was much more willing to play with all the presents that littered our floor.  Casey and I learned a valuable lesson though, elves must make sure they have batteries and put Santas gifts together.  Our elves must be new because that did not happen.