Saturday, August 3, 2013

Backing up and catching up

So, this is going to be one of those catch all posts, so I can feel caught up with life again.  We've done so many things I feel like its hard to blog about them when they happen.  We've been to the beach, on boat rides, I turned 30, Noah's finally figuring out this whole bottle thing, and I went back to work!  Whew that was a lot lol.  We'll start with the beach first.  We go to the beach every year, and it's always a fairly laid back affair.  We put on our bathing suits in the morning and they usually don't come off again till late afternoon or even dinner time. We knew this year would be different since Noah was only 4 mths old, but as with everything about being a first time parent you just don't realize how different.  The drive to and from the beach was probably the worst.  It never failed that the last 30 minutes of the drive my son screamed the whole time and trying to give him the bottle was the biggest failure ever!! The beach itself though was great, beautiful weather, no seaweed, and as always not a ton of people.  Noah loved playing in the water and took many a floaty nap.  We couldn't ever seem to quite get there at a time when he was super awake lol.  But he touched the ocean and floated around the lake in his life jacket.  He survived the annual outlet trip,  and while it was a different trip this year it was a good different.  So good in fact we're going back in October for our anniversary.  Onto boat rides and birthdays these kind of go hand in hand.  Noah has been thouroughly introduced to the boating life, unfortunately we have as of yet to get him in the river.  With all the rain this year it been a little chilly for his tiny bum.  So, the big 3-0 I know most people have a huge celebratory party but I didn't really want to, my original want was to go somewhere out of country because Casey turned 30 this year too.  Didn't really happen with a baby, but there's always 31.  So, I spent my birthday on the boat with family we grilled out layed out,  and I got a good solid two hours of swim time while Noah napped!! That was probably the best because I miss swimming a lot.  Then I got together with a small group of friends left Noah with a babysitter and had a night out.  Dinner and even a small glass of wine, just what I needed to feel like an adult again.  So that pretty much sums up our summer!

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