Monday, August 19, 2013

1/2 a year old!

Noah is 6 months already!  And let me tell you he is so different  from the scrawny little orange pumpkin I brought home!  First some stats, he's 18 lb 10 oz, 26 1/2 in long, and has a head circumference of 18 in!! Which means I have a supremely well fed big headed kid lol.  He's really starting to develop his own little personality and while he loves people he has to study you to really decide if you're truly an ok person.  He's working on sitting up by himself when you sit him.  He tried to roll from back to front but get stuck 3/4 of the way over.  He switches toys from hand to hand,  and can move himself in a 360 degree circle.  He loves food!! He has eaten everything we've given him and begged for more!! His foods include bananas, avocados, apples, plums, peaches, zucchini, green beans, sweet potatoes, and mangoes.  We still don't have him on a strict schedule but we do have a nightly bedtime routine.  He loves bath time, and watching people.  We go places and he just stares at them with his mouth hanging open.  His eyes are still blue and his hair is darkening up again.  We are still going strong with the breast feeding and hope to continue till his one year birthday.  He can wear anything from 6-9 month clothing.  He still loves to chew everything and he still loves to snuggle.  He laughs a little more freely but you still gotta work for it,  he loves to smile though :).  He still eats all his toys and really anything that comes in contact with his mouth.  He talks all the time and is quite expressive in his conversations with you.  He's growing so fast, and I can't wait for the next 6 months!

1 comment:

  1. When he smiles he looks like casey did as a baby, especially in the shape of his eyes.
