Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day!!

So today is Casey's first Father's Day!  It's hard to believe the geeky boy I fell in love with and married is now the father to our little bug.  I can imagine a lot of things in this life, but Casey being the dad that he is was something I never imagined.  I always knew he would be a good dad, but it was more in the I'm the fun dad way ya know?  I never imagined that he would be the loving caring father that he's become.  He's generous and thoughtful and truly delights in his son.  He lives to make his son smile or give his silent chuckle.  He works tirelessly at finding ways to calm our son down when he's pitching a fit, or when he's trying to get our son to take a bottle.  It amazes me the patience he shows to our son, patience I honestly didn't know he had.  He's so far surpassed what I had thought our little family would be like when we became parents, I feel over whelmed at times.  Especially considering that at times Casey did not have the best father figure.  I love the man my husband has become as a father and can't wait to watch him continue to grow as a father, husband, and leader of our home.  Happy first Father's Day Casey!! Noah and I couldn't do it without you. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

4 months old sqee!!

And by sqee I mean that is my sons newest noise, at a very ear piercing octave that he thinks is just great.  The rest of us not so much.  So, the bug is four months old today, and has changed soo much.  He can now roll over from his belly to his back!! He rolls both left and right, not all the time but he can do it.  I think the fact that he can roll both ways sometimes confuses him because he can't decide which way to go.  He also scooches himself around on his play mat.  He eats everything!! His toys, his hands, his carseat, my husbands nose, everything!! He's back to sleeping through the night, and wakes up anytime between 6:30-7:30.  He's still a snuggler, and he still has issues with taking a bottle.  Hopefully he gets it soon, July 7th is coming quick.  He smiles for us all the time but is still hesitant about sharing his smiles freely.  We also still have as of it to make it through life group and church without being called out cause he's having a meltdown.  He can wear 6 month clothes and weighs approximately 16 pounds and 5 ounces via a cat scale at the vet lol.  He grabs toys with both hands and can pull them towards his mouth, and let go of them and bat them away.  Traveling in his car seat is still hit or miss sometimes he does great other times we just scream and scream.  We leave for the beach Saturday so pray he develops a sudden mad love for his carseat.  Time to leave you with some pictures of my 4 MONTH OLD!!!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Boat naps are the best naps

I love summer!! And I love having these weekends off before I go back to work to enjoy summer.  I've been working weekends for almost 8 years and while most people say I've got it made only working two days a week, the trade off is I miss a lot.  Because most of the world does not work weekends.  So, these days off have been lovely, and by lovely I mean awesomely great!!  Noah has now been on his second boat ride of the summer, and we have officially been to the pool.  Casey and I are working very hard to help our son learn to love water at a young age, mainly because we are such water babies.  Plus I've been on boats since I was a little girl and its important to me my son have that same experience.  So, pretty days mean boat days or pool days.  Which my son has discovered means fabulous nap days.  He sleeps so peacefully it's amazing and then he wakes up and it's play time!  I'm so looking forward to watching my little man grow and discover things this summer I have to remember to tell myself to slow down and love the current moments as well.  So here's to life's current moments.