Sunday, May 22, 2011

Godmother 101

So Casey and I are going to be godparents!! I'm so excited, my best friend and her husband are having a baby and they're the ones that asked us. Now I knew a little bit about what being a godparent meant and Casey and I had talked about it before hand because my friend has godparents, but just to be completely clear we went and read about it on the Internet anyways. After reading what the Internet had to say it got me thinking about being a godparent and I just got this urge to write my future godson letters. I don't get urges very often so when I do I take them seriously because it's usually God trying to get through. I have all these ideas running through my head of things I want to tell him, things that may or may not help him. I want to write the letters now so his parents can read them to him before he's born and also so he'll have something to look at as he gets older. Being a kid these days isn't easy and I think it's only going to become harder as the years go by and the people of this world continue to focus on nothing but themselves. I want to tell him stories about me and his mom and things I went through so that maybe he'll be more prepared for the world. I want to be funny and serious all at the same time. I want him to be able to look at my letters and draw strength and practical knowledge from them. I want him to be able to see the many sides of being a christian, but mostly I want for him to know he was loved, loved across thousands of miles and before he was even born. I want him to know I stayed up late contemplating cute stationery so I could write him letters, and I want him to know he is truly blessed with the parents he is getting.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Check one two Check

This is just a test to see if I can post from my iPad successfully.

Yea for me!!

Ok so first off I am finally the proud owner of an IPad!!! So exciting, I was using my husbands old laptop which was like older than dirt in computer years. It had to think really hard about booting up and then it had to think really, really, really hard about whether or not it wanted to log on to the internet. Then once there it just sat there like "whew" that was a lot of work and then it usually froze. So, needless to say I am soo excited about the fact that I have something that just zooms happily along. Only sad thing I can't seem to write the blog from it yet. I'm working on it though doing some research see what other people say. But for now, back to playing catch in the world of the Stokes. December was my favorite month by far, mainly because they whole month is all Christmasy and comfy cozy. Plus, my husband goes hog wild with the Christmas lights outside which means I get to have a blast inside. I think our house is at it's most prettiest when Christmas time comes around. This Christmas was special though, and for anyone who lives in the state of Georgia you know why. It actually snowed on Christmas Day!!!! Now for some this is not a big deal for me it was one of those dream come true moments. Casey grew in Georgia so for him snow is just this crazy white stuff that fall from the sky and shuts the city down for days at a time. I on the other hand am an Air Force brat and grew up all over the place, one of those places being Denver CO, where snow is that white stuff that allows the children to have hours of fun without the parent having to do anything other than watch and laugh and make hot chocolate. So growing up I was told that it couldn't be a white Christmas unless it snowed on Christmas Day, and I have be waiting for that day for at least twenty years. Moving to Georgia people tried to convince me that I should just be excited when there was snow on Christmas Day, but my little girl dream refused to die and so I waited hopeful that one day it would snow on Christmas day. And on Christmas 2010 that little girl dream came true, it snowed on Christmas day, little soft white fluffy flakes that got stuck in your hair and eyelashes and made you remember all those days of sleds, and snowballs, and ice tunnels. It was the best Christmas ever!!!