Friday, March 23, 2012

Cherry blossom festivities

So today we visited my friend who lives down in Macon, and this also to be cherry blossom festival time. I love the cherry trees I think they are absolutely beautiful, and Casey and I also got to meet her potential someday husband. All and all it was a great day to be wondering around just hanging out and having fun. The rain had washed away the pollen and left just enough cloud and breeze to make te day very pleasant. We started our day at the fair part of the festival, were we mainly just wandered around and took pictures with our heads through silly pictures. We also found us some cherry trees to climb and take pics in. My friend and I share a lithe for being tomboys, so we had a great time climbing in the trees. Then we went and posed on this 3d chalk drawing that was very cool and super realistic after which it was time to wander around till dinner at the rookery. Dinner of course was delicious, after which we decided to digest while listening to a local jazz group. So much fun jazz music just puts you in such a bebopping mood. Well the highlight for me came on our trip to the bathroom before heading to the car. I had just finished number one and was getting the toilet paper when the tool slipped out of my hands and into the toilet!! Of course I start giggling hysterically because I mean really who could do this but me. At least I had unrolled enough before it fell to be of some use to me. In the mean time I've told my friend what happened and she gets the wand off a toilet scrubber so I can fish the roll of toilet paper out of the toilet. All and all I must say fun times were had by all. Happy Cherry blossoms y'all!

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