Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A Farewell to Arms

Ok, so I'm a terrible blogger and I will probably continue to be a terrible blogger, but what can I say, right now Casey and I are in a routine. So, I will try to blog when something interesting, fun or new happens. But today, today I would like everyone to take a moment and say goodbye to Casey's Aunt Jean. I only had the privelege of meeting her once in life, but from that meeting I gathered that she was one classy lady, and after her eulogy today it has only been confirmed. I have learned a few things today too. I now know I either want my body donated to science or I want to be cremated, and people today really have no respect for the life of another person. I was in my first funeral procession today, and I must say that whenever a funeral procession goes by me I stop until the last one passes. Today many people pulled away before the procession was finished or even tried to pass the procession in the other lane!!! I found this to be very rude and disrespectful and was quite excited when Casey's cousin started driving in the middle of the road so as to prevent this from happening. But then God made it all better, and it was kind of an amazing sight to see as well. Casey was talking about his MeMa and how as the were processing for her funeral there was a little old man standing outside of his car saluting the procession as it passed. Well today as we were entering Kennesaw National Battlefield there was an elderly gentleman standing outside his car at attention with his hand over his heart. It actually had me choked up just a little bit not only in amazement but also in the miracle of the fact that Casey had just been talking about that and there was this man honoring the life and death of someone he didn't even know. It makes me miss my grandparents and the fact that when CAsey and I decide to have kids they won't have that influence from that generation. So many kids these days have no respect for their parents, the elderly, or even themselves, it makes me even more deteremined to raise my children in a semi old fashioned way. I want my kids to truly understand what respect is and how to show it, to anybody whether they know them or not. There was actually a group of teenagers who was weaving in and out of the cars that had stopped for the procession. But I'm rambling on other topics, today it was an honor to be part of honoring the life of Aunt Jean.

1 comment:

  1. Oh man, Joey probably got tired of me complaining about every single car I saw that kept moving as we were driving. But it really made me angry. and I also loved that little old man who got out of his car.

    And dude, I'm with ya when it comes to raising kids in "old fashioned" ways.
