Monday, August 1, 2016

9 months and the beach!

So back in June we took our annual family trip to the beach, which also happened to be when Eli turned nine months.  Both boys had an absolute blast and seem to be total water babies which makes this mommy very happy.  Eli started army crawling and is super committed to just dragging himself everywhere.  He's also really starting to love people food, and gets super distracted when nursing now, which is quite frustrating for me.  However he seems to make up for it at night as he still wakes up to nurse and as of yet has not consistently slept through the night, making for one tired and grumpy momma.  Eli loves talking and holds all kinds of conversations with people, he also learned to wave at people while we were at the beach!! But his wave is this kind of hail hitler just stick my hand up in the air and grin wave, super cute though!! Two weeks at th beach was just what the doctor ordered for our family and I'm pretty sure it's become Noah's most favorite place to be.  He's been taking swim lessons for a couple months now and he really put them to use while we were at the beach!  He jumped in the water and hold his breath to "swim" underwater and just had the BEST time in his "agoon" as he calls it.  Eli was content to float or just be held and invariably was lulled to sleep by the sound of the waves.  All in all it was an amazing trip, and we are so happy our little 34 weeker is a happy chunky little nine month old!