Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Two months

So we've been a family of four for two whole months now!! We're still learning how to function as a family of four and being on time is one of those things we dream about.  Noah loves being a big brother but finds it quite bothersome that Eli isn't old enough to play and be jumped upon right now!! And I'm pretty sure Eli fears for his life on a daily basis.  Eli loves to eat hates tummy time and has already almost tripled his birth weight!  For the most part Eli eats every two to three hours making getting things done rather interesting. However upside if that is that he sleeps much better than Noah did at this age, and he can put himself to sleep!! This month was also baby dedication and Eli's first thanksgiving!  My mom made Eli's dedication outfit and I just love how it turned out, especially the red work balloon. 

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Four months!

Whew!! It's so hard to believe Eli is four months old!! Time has gone by so quickly, yet I feel like I'm so much more attuned to Eli than I was to Noah. Which makes me really wonder if I suffered from post partum depression with Noah. Or maybe because I know when Noah hit his milestones I just keep comparing the two.  However, as my husband keeps telling me I need to stop comparing my boys!!! Because not only do they look completely different but they are most definitely hitting their milestones at different points as well.  Eli is my free smiler he smiles at everybody and is also starting to laugh at people other than his mommy and daddy.  Tummy time is still hit or miss but I try to make sure every time I put him down to play its on his tummy.  He's started rolling over, which was so exciting to see!! I have trouble remembering he's six weeks premature because he's just so chunky!! He doesn't roll all the time but it's become fairly consistent. His also getting much better at grabbing and holding his toys and a couple times he's reached for toys while on his belly! He's still sleeping in the laundry basket in his crib, but I have a feeling that will be ending soon as he's starting to look a little long.  He's already almost tripled his birth weight at a whopping 16 pounds at his four month check up! Things we still have to work on is him opening up his hands more, statightening out his legs, and reaching for things while on his belly.  The pediatrician says he feels Eli is one of those babies who will all of a sudden start meeting milestones is quick succession.