Wednesday, December 11, 2013

10 months!!

So today the bug is 10 months old!!! It's so hard to believe I've been a mom for that long!! And yet it's still just the beginning, there is so many more years to go, I'm so excited!! Noah is getting so big!  He can wear 12 -18 month clothes in tops, but poor kid seems to have short legs he's still in 9 month pants lol.  He's finally mastered crawling on all fours,  and he loves to stand.  He's getting better about cruising and has finally figured out how to sit back down once he's standing up!  He loves the dishwasher and being a boy.  His poor head has already suffered many bruises and bumps.  He also has discovered toilet paper, the toilet bowl.  He loves the animals and hates falling asleep.  We have as of yet to figure out how to help him sleep without having to cry for 30 minutes.  He doesn't sleep through the night anymore,  for whatever reason 1 am is the bewitching hour.  It makes for one tired mommy, but I'm determined to adjust and stop taking naps with my son and start being more active.  He is still nursing but loves people food, he's also shown me that I really got to work on my veggie diet.  I try really hard to make sure is diet is well rounded but I keep coming up short in the veggie category.  Noah still only has six teeth but he's almost 30 inches tall and weighs close to 21 pounds.  He's been sick a lot lately between colds, stomach bugs, and diaper rash.  Hopefully we can fix him by Christmas.  I can't wait until Christmas!!!