Thursday, September 16, 2010

who's on First

So, most people know the who's on first comedy routine, I thought it was rather famous/well known. Well apparently my husband has proved once again that he is not most people. He comes home the other all excited about this comedy thing his dad showed him. He then proceeds to find it on YouTube so I can watch it. Let me tell you I about fell out of my chair laughing at him when I discovered what he wanted me to see then was even more flabbergasted that he had never even heard of this routine until that day. I thought everyone knew the who's on first no Who's on second shennigans. Which leads me into my husbands and mine very one who's on first conversation. We get coupons for shopping at Kroger alot, and this one time recently we got a coupon for box tops for schools. I was all excited thinking I could donate them to my mom's school, and Casey is like what's a box top and I'm like what do you mean what's a box top it's a box top and he's like I know but what is it? I said you know it's a box top like box tops for education. He's like but what is it and I said again what do you mean it's a box top found on the top of a box, except for now you can find them on soup cans too. Well by now he's laughing and frustrated I'm again flabbergasted that he doesn't know what a box top is and he says that's it this conversation is done because it's obviously going nowhere. Had I known what watching that video would do to my weekend I never would have watched it, needless to say there were mutiple who's on first moments with my fellow coworkers that weekend. Which leads me too my most recent domestic mishap, which to my surprise involves cooking!! Now I may not be a tv worthy cook but I do like to think I can handle my own in the kitchen, well today the score officially became kitchen 2 katie 0. For starters I was making brunswick stew which I have made many times both in teh crockpot and on the stove today because I had planned to walk the dogs and go to the gym it was going in the crock pot. My troubles began when my time schedule started breaking down and then when I went to shred the pork and it wasn't cooked long enough to shred right. So, I had to place my chunks of pork into the crockpot to be shredded right before we eat. Then you are supposed to chill the water the pork cooked in scrap the fat off the top and cook the potatoes and onions in it, well my time table was so shot I didn't have the time to chill it so I just had to dump and refill and cook with new water. Well small tiny detail that could still prove disastarous the pork water I had reduced down to about two cups per the recipe, new water yea not so much just fill up the pot and started it a boiling. Luckily I realized my mistake when i went to go pour it all in and there was way to much water. But, I still decided to scoop some out in the hopes that it would be two cups worth in the end. Now for the piece de resistance in all of this. I'm in the middle of talking to Casey who's at work and waiting for my tart shell to bake when I notice that smoke is coming out of my oven just as the timer goes off for my tart. So, I open the oven and smoke starts billowing out, my tart is literally exploding over the sides and dripping onto the bottom of the oven hence the smoke, and I tell casey I gotta go my tart shell just exploded. So, now I'm quickly taking the tart shell out of the oven while trying not to set my fire alarm off and figure out how to get rid of teh burnt stuff causing the smoke without letting all the smoke out. First I open the windows which is a feat in and of itself because our windows insist on sticking. Then I turn the oven off and have this bright idea to let it clean itself not realizing that that 3:26 is not 3 minutes but 3 hours. So, now I must move on to plan B which consists of quickly opening the oven and throwing water in it. Then I go running down to the basement to find my super fan to blow all the smoke out of the house because of course there is no lovely breeze while I'm doing all this. Lo and behold the super fan is missing. I then proceed on a whole house hunt for it thinking all the while casey will kill me if he comes home to a smoky house, but success was not to be had, super fan is missing. Plan C involves Casey's precious fan which I haul downstairs and plug up in teh dining room. I then proceed to clean out the bits of burnt tart crust, turn back on my oven and cook the tart for the second time like the recipe says, all the while watching it waiting for it to jump up and do something else to torment my oven. Lesson learned when it says use beans or rice to way down the tart USE BEANS or RICE. And now on to happy moments, pictures from Marie and Will's visit.